Hidden Features of the New Xbox Series X Dashboard

Hidden functions lurk beneath the Xbox Series X dashboard’s elegant and straightforward design. These features might improve gaming and personalize your virtual space. Explore the dashboard’s hidden features and maximize its potential!

The Guide to Customizing Your Command Center

Pressing the Xbox button opens the Guide, a more advanced menu. Did you know you can change its parts to prioritize your favorite features? You choose the order: games, people, parties, accomplishments! Feeling daring? You can move the Guide left, right, or center on the screen.

Custom Dashboard: Home Screen Magic

Your Home Screen is your gateway to gaming happiness, but it may be more personal. A hidden menu appears when you press view on any tile. You can rearrange content groups, add games or friends for faster access, and eliminate unused areas here. Create a Home Screen that showcases your gaming interests!

Personalize Your Background with Dynamic Doodads

Static backgrounds are gone. Set dynamic backdrops that softly animate and change color to match your profile theme on Xbox Series X. Feeling hot? Choose scorching red. Prefer tranquility? A soothing blue awaits. Use a screenshot for a totally personalized touch.

Quick Access Champions: Navigation Mastery

Notice the Guide overlay’s handy icons at the bottom? Consider these your new besties. Without using menus, you may access notifications, Game Pass, search for an adventure, or adjust volume with a right trigger pull. Time-saving treasure trove!


The Xbox Series X dashboard goes beyond appearance. These secret tools let you customize your gaming experience, prioritize what matters, and navigate quickly. Discover these hidden gems and customize your dashboard to match your gaming style!

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